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7:45 am Holy Eucharist
10:00 am Church School
10:15 am Holy Eucharist


Church of the Angels

1100 Avenue 64
Pasadena, CA 91105
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Email : coa@lafn.org

Rector: Fr. Robert J. Gaestel


March 12, The 2nd Sunday in Lent

Episcopal Visitation:  The Rt. Rev. Diane Bruce

All Parish Potluck & Reception


We had a great time with Bishop Diane and everyone on Sunday.  Thank you to everyone who helped, choir, LEMs, Potluck contributions, coffee hour, clean up. 

 We congratulate those who were Confirmed:  Ellie Navarro, Jesse Clemens, Evelyn Askewe

                                                    Received:  Rebecca Medina, Julie Livingstone

                                                    Reaffirmed:  Susan Stanley, Heidi Anderson


From Bishop Diane


 First of all, THANK YOU for a WONDERFUL visitation! You are doing so much good in the community -- wow. I was VERY impressed with the number of younger folk/young people there. I loved the use of Catechisis of the Good Shepherd for adult baptism prep -- brilliant! I left primarily because I didn't want my presence there to inhibit them asking their Rector hard questions.

 Can't wait to see what else you come up with at Church of the Angels!

 Blessings, love and thanks!



The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, DMin., D.D.

Bishop Suffragan

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles



Liturgy during Lent

As has been our practice, we again dip into the Classic Texts of our Anglican Tradition.  We will get to hear and say words from centuries ago that many of us grew up hearing in the Church. 


We will open with the Penitential Order reciting the Ten Commandments, and then the Confession of Sin from Rite 1.  You know MANINFOLD SINS AND WICKEDNESS which we from time to time,


 Most of the rest of the Liturgy will be Rite 2 with all the responses with which we are familiar, before diving into the Eucharistic Prayer from Rite 1.

 Of course it wouldn’t be complete without THE PRAYE OF HUMBLE ACCESS.  Really, how can it be Lent without WE ARE NOT WORTHY SO MUCH AS TO GATHER UP THE CRUMBS UNDER THY TABLE? 

 Or in the immortal words of Father Edward G. Robinson:   It will be crumbs for you see!  Crumbs, see yeah!

One must admit, Episcopalians really know how to turn a phrase with words you just savor and roll around your tongue like a good Single Malt Scotch!

 Our service music combines a contemporary Kyrie and Fraction by Richard Felcinano.  When Fr. Bob was in Seminary, they called it, “The Rainy Day Eucharist,” or a parishioner said last week, “The Twilight Zone.”  But we redeem ourselves with the Willan Sanctus that we all know and love. 

 Enjoy the ride!


Emmaus Road  Monday, March 13, 7:00 p.m.

Emmaus Road continues its reading of  Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ.   This is a book that explores the thought, theology, and spirituality of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest of the 20th Century who was also a paleontologist who made major discoveries of early humans.  Fr. Teilhard sought to integrate the discoveries of science with the deepest things of the Christian faith.  While forbidden to publish while he was alive, after his death, his books were published and found a wide audience.  Some have said that his spirit hovered over the renewal of the Second Vatican Council.   The book is available on Amazon, but it’s out of print and so while used copies are available, they take a while to get here.

 Fr. Bob has made copies of the Chapter 2, to tide us over until the books arrive.   Copies will be available on Sunday

 Reading for Monday:  Chapter 2, Part 2


Outreach Committee:  Thank You for the Books!


Thank you to everyone who donated hardcover books during February for the

library at Suubi School in Uganda.  Our book collection is now 43 books more



For those of you who are planning to "make someone's life better" for Lent, we

invite you to give the gift of literacy to the students at Suubi school by

donating new of gently used books to the Church of the Angels and we will

process them and get them ready to send.


For Lent, we have given you the complete wish list for the library.  It can be

found at: 


The books are not in any order.


Your gift will help all of the students for many years to come.  Thank you!


Catching our Breath

 With Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, and our Episcopal Visitation behind us, we get to catch our breath for a bit before plunging into the next set of activities.

 Decorating the Church for Easter

Reflective Dinners in Holy Week

The Three Great Days:  Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Vigil of Easter

Holy Saturday Preparations

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Breakfast

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