Christmas 2016
Christmas at COA 2016
Christmas Eve
December 24, Christmas Eve
4:30 p.m. The Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy
The Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy reflects our children’s “religious potential” in that much of the liturgy is their own creation. Children from Levels 2 & 3 will choose the readings and read them to us. They will choose the carols and sing them with us. Children from all three levels will compose the Prayers of the People. A catechist will give the Nativity Presentation in the crossing of the Church with the children sitting close and participating. Children from all three atriums will assist in the service. Children from the Level 1 Atrium will assist me in the Preparation of the Gifts of the Altar, and others will do all the jobs that make the service go. At the Offertory we will have a procession to present the books we’ve collected in Advent for Global Hands of Hope. The books should be brought to the Church unwrapped.
There will be nursery care at the 4:30 p.m. service.
A fuller description of the service for families and children is found below.
10:00 p.m. Choral Holy Eucharist.
Our Christmas Liturgy is truly nourishing Christ’s people from the riches of his grace. The Liturgy of the Word is composed of readings from a variety of Christian spiritual writers through the ages. Between the readings there will be Choir anthems and congregational singing of favorite Christmas carols. At the conclusion of the Eucharist we will give each person a candle and then process out of the Church and circle the Angel singing “Silent Night.” On the patio after the liturgy we will serve hot cider and we will have a fire going in a portable fire place. This is an incredibly beautiful liturgy and it really does touch people deeply. Please recommend it to people you know and invite friends.
Christmas Day
Sunday December 25: 10:15 a.m. Quiet Christmas Liturgy (No Music)
Fr. Bob will celebrate a quiet Holy Eucharist at 10:15. There won’t be any music. People are welcome to join him in the Choir Stalls for contemplative and reflective service
Sunday January 8:
7:45 & 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Open House at the Rectory
We will celebrate Epiphany two days late. While we really like celebrating the 12 days of Christmas, we also like having as many of us gather as possible so this year it will be 14 days! We’ll do the Annual Epiphany Open House at the Rectory that Sunday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bring some treats to share and enjoy each other as we close out Christmas. We especially hope that those of you who are new among us, will come and that we can all know each other better. Everyone of all ages is invited.
Notes to Parents
Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy
Christmas is coming in a few days and I’m sure there is lots going on in your lives and a sense that there is more to do than there is time for. It is in appreciation for the stress of this time that I’m writing this go give you a heads up for the Children’s Christmas Eve Service. The service is designed to be fun and stress free. It comes out of our children’s experience in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd where both the environment and presentations are geared to meet the child’s spiritual needs appropriate to their age and development.
In order that everyone to enjoy it without being anxious, let me give you an overview of the Children's Christmas Eve liturgy so you can know what we're doing and how to participate.
Start Time: 4:30 p.m. Saturday December 24, Christmas Eve
Of course the true start time is usually 15 minutes later. We completely understand the challenge of getting small children and infants ready for Church. So don't worry, we're happy to cut some slack.
Seating Arrangements
Where ever you like. Also, there is no expectation of quiet. The Children's service probably sounds like the stable in Bethlehem. That's fine.
Childcare and Basement
I've asked members of my Level 4 group to be there to help. Parents are welcome to go down stairs if they feel like it. The nursery is equipped for you. There is sound down there so you can hear what happens upstairs.
Global Hands of Hope: Books
A table will be set up outside to place the books and money the parish has collected for the school in Uganda. More about that below.
The Service
The service is constructed largely by the children themselves in their atriums during Advent. They've chosen the readings, the carols, and have written the prayers of the people. Various ones will be taking parts. Last minute changes will probably occur. The Catechists will go with the flow.
The Nativity Presentation
A catechist will give the Presentation The Adoration of the Shepherds from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. She will set up the presentation just like in the atrium only in the front of the church between the Pulpit and the Lectern. We will have a carpet laid out and the children are invited to come and gather around for the presentation. It will be interactive between the catechist and the children. She has to speak somewhat softly for the children to draw their attention, but she will have our wireless microphone so people in the Church can hear her.
Children will be invited to come up. Parents are welcome to come with them to encourage them and stay by them if that makes them comfortable.
The Offertory: The Books for Uganda Part 2 (See Mission Giving Below)
The children will be invited to pick up the books and money or checks off the table and bring them up to the Creche and lay them on the floor. Catechists will help with this and they will keep doing that until all the gifts are deposited. In the meantime the congregation will sing the Offertory Hymn and the collection will be taken.
The Preparation of the Altar
Some of the Children from Level 1 age 3-6, will come up to Sanctuary and help me prepare the Altar. I will ask them for the specific items, and they will pick them up and bring them to me. A catechist will be there to help. Those children are welcome to stay inside the sanctuary while I celebrate the Eucharist. Again, there might be a last minute change. We'll just go with it.
The Rest of the Service
Goes just like Sunday morning. Everyone will take Communion and we'll finish with blessing and final hymn.
What is most important, or as we like to say Essential
The children are participants, full participants in the real liturgy we all do together, helping in ways that are appropriate for their developmental level. They are not performing. There are no mistakes that can be made and nothing to be anxious about. It is really their service and as you will hear, reflects their spiritual lives and concerns.
So it's quite relaxed and informal and a lot of fun.
Some of you are new parents, Some of you are new to the Parish
We hope you will come and enjoy this, and see what is in store for your children as they grow and develop with us.
One More Thing for Parents and Children
The Atriums will be closed Sunday December 25, Christmas Day, and Sunday January 1, New Years Day.
The Financial Page
Completing Pledges for 2016
If necessary, please complete you Annual Giving Pledge for 2016 in the next several weeks. We will be sending out statements to show your giving up to this time. In January after we close the books for 2016, we will give you a year end statement of your giving to Church of the Angels. Everyone’s gift is necessary, and we appreciate your support
Flowers and Decorations for Christmas
If you signed up to donate to the flowers and decorations for Christmas, please be sure to make you check to Church of the Angels, and mark it. Christmas Flowers.
Church of the Angels Annual Giving for 2017
Here is a “gentle reminder” that we really need everyone to make an Annual Giving Pledge for 2017. A parish of our size must have the support of all its members in order to do all the things that make the parish so wonderful.
So, if you haven’t yet made a pledge for 2017, you can pick up a pledge card at the back of the Church, or online as This year we have added something to make the process of Pledging even more gentle. In addition to our regular mailing with a pledge card and return envelope, we have made it possible to submit your pledge on line. We have a link to our website which you can go to, fill out, and submit your pledge.
To access on line pledging go to : :
When you press the “Submit” button your pledge card will automatically go to an email address specifically for the Parish Treasurer.
We do the Annual Giving Drive in a very low-key way and through the years, parishioners have generously supported the parish with their tithes and offerings. Year by year when Bill talks to us, he simply states the facts, and invites all to join in and take part.
If you have already submitted your Annual Giving Pledge for 2017, we thank you. If you haven’t yet, please make use of the on line pledge link. The mail in cards are fine too. If you’ve never make an Annual Giving Pledge before, we urge you to consider doing so. In a parish our size, everyone’s contribution is vital.
Outreach: Mission Giving
Christmas Books for Suubi School in Uganda
It’s Advent, and the Outreach Committee is preparing a Christmas tree of ornaments and book suggestions to help you and your family gift the students at Suubi School in Uganda. This year the greatest need is for early readers and they need hardback books. (There are lots of students reading the early reader books!!)
Hardback books aren’t always available without ordering, so choose and order books from your favorite bookstore early. We suggest going as a family to a local, independent bookstore such as “Once Upon a Time” in Montrose, “Vroman’s” in Pasadena or “San Marino Toy and Book Shoppe” in San Marino to choose your favorite early readers, or pick a couple off the tree knowing you may need to order them.
We have included some African fable books that may no longer be published, so if you buy a used book (and this is perfectly fine!!!) please buy one in Very Good condition.
The first floor of the new elementary school has been completed and a gift to their Christmas party also helps to furnish the new classrooms. If you would like to make a student and student's family very happy, please donate here:
The children at Suubi are incredibly grateful for your love and prayers, books and donations. You can be assured that you are making a difference in the life of a child!
For more information talk to Tracy Gaestel, Kate Kahler-Rickman or Amy Riker after church.
Thank you for your generosity. You have blessed Suubi with Read-Alouds, Board Books and books for the classroom and you are helping to move them into a culture of reading.
Music with the Angels Sunday, January 1, 4:00 p.m.
Harpsichord Music by Girolamo Frescobaldi
Professor Robert Zappulla of Claremont Graduate University will perform a harpsichord recital of music by the Italian Baroque master, Girolamo Frescobaldi in Pasadena's historic Church of the Angels, constructed in 1889. Zappulla, a former pupil of the late, world-renowned harpsichordist Gustav Leonhardt, will play on a fine instrument based on 17th-century Italian models. Admission free. Call 909-607-3289 for more information.