June 29, Third Sunday after Pentecost
Church of the Angels
125th Anniversary Activity:
Renewal of Wedding Vows
It was a wonderful event. The Church was packed and then people came over to the Parish Hall lawn for a reception. Thank you to Rebecca Woods who organized the event. Thank you also to everyone who helped with it.
The Pasadena Star-News covered the event.
Here's the link to the article http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/lifestyle/20140622/couples-renew-vows-at-pasadenas-church-of-the-angels-to-celebrate-its-125-years
And the pictures http://photos.pasadenastarnews.com/2014/06/21/photos-the-church-of-the-angeles-has-married-couples-for-125-years/#1
Emmaus Road Monday June 30, 7:00 p.m.
Emmaus Road shifts gears for the summer. We suspend reading books and in place of that view movies that raise religious questions. On Monday June 30, the movie will be Amadeus. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Needs over the Summer
We need help in a couple of areas as we move through the summer
1. Coffee Hour We need people to sign up and help with Coffee Hour during summer. Please help.
2. Annual Giving Please keep current on your Annual Giving Pledge during the summer months.
Food For Thought
On the Food for Thought Table this Sunday we have three articles that deal with the subject of Original Sin. The American theologian Reinhold Niebhur once said that of all the doctrines in the Christian Faith, Original Sin was the one idea that is empirically verifiable.
1. From The Christian Century, Unoriginal Sin. This is a one page introduction to the subject.
2. Again from the same issue of The Christian Century,, Why We Mess Up. This is an article about Original Sin that goes into more depth. It is by Charles Hefling, an Episcopal priest and theologian.
3. From The New York Times, Columnist David Brooks wrote an article this week called, Rhapsody in Realism. He sees being able to compassionate with human frailty as a sign of maturity.