Fr. Bob is away this Sunday.
Fr. Bob travels to Dallas Texas on Friday to participate in the wedding of Grant Garlock and Kelly Donohue. Grant is the oldest son of parishioners Brooke and Edward Garlock. In fact Grant and his brother Trevor were the only children in the parish when Fr. Bob arrived in 1983.
Once again we are delighted to have Pastor John Santoro fill in. Pastor Santoro enjoys leading the liturgy here, and everyone likes him as well, so you can look forward to a good experience on Sunday.
Fr. Bob will return Sunday afternoon.
Coffee Hour
The Sign-up sheet for Coffee Hour for September and October will be on the table outside Church this Sunday. Please sign up and help us create a nice atmosphere of fellowship after the Sunday Liturgies.
Santa Maria Barbecue :
Saturday ! September 30 4:30 p.m.
Parish Hall Lawn.
Coming up Saturday, September 30 is our annual Santa Maria BBQ, for over a decade now one of our most popular and best-attended parish events. On the Parish Hall lawn we grill tri-tip and chicken over red oak fires using a time-honored Santa Maria recipe, and add a simple salad, barbecue beans and grilled French bread. You bring drinks and desserts and your family and friends and it all adds up to an all-you-can-eat feast of great food and great fellowship.
Still Looking For Help:
People to Bring Drinks, Appetizers, and Desserts!
None of this happens without the many helping hands each year who do everything from purchasing to grilling, setup to cleanup. No experience necessary! If you'd like to be part of this year's happy crew, say so on the sign-up sheet after church, or contact coordinator Chris Askew directly at
626 200-5209 or,
What we need
Sign ups
Beer Wine:
Set Up
Prepare Food Really Need help!
Clean Up Really, Really, Really need help!
A New Resource: Daily Scripture Readings on line
In addition to the three year cycle of Scripture readings that we hear on Sundays, the Episcopal Church also has a cycle of Scripture readings for each day of the week. These are known as the Daily Office Readings. Daily Office means the services of Morning and Evening Prayer in The Book of Common Prayer.
The Daily Scripture Readings are sequential. They are not tied to the Church Year and unlike the Sunday Scripture Readings, the Old Testament is not keyed to the Gospel Reading.
The purpose of the Daily Office Readings is to immerse oneself in a continuous reading of the Scripture, to keep the whole thing in one’s mind so that it becomes the framework for our life and work as Christians. If you follow the Daily Office Readings day by day, you will read the entire Bible in the space of two years, with each days reading being a manageable amount. As you do this you begin to pick up the patterns that repeat throughout the Bible, and you develop the ability to put the Sunday Readings you hear in Church into a larger context. The point is not to proof-text so you can argue with people who might knock on your front door. It is not to have verses at your fingertips that you can quote at anytime. No, it’s to know the story as a whole and to see connections between it and yourself, and some of the biggest events and issues of our lives.
There are books that have the Daily Readings in them, but it is also possible to access them online on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, and read them when time opens up.
Below is the URL, and I’ve copied the text from the website with instructions as to how to find your way. I hope it makes sense. Try it and see.
Daily Prayer: a resource of Forward Movement
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When you get to Daily Readings Anytime, you will see how to find the day you want.
The Daily Readings Anytime
On this page, you can choose the Daily Office Lectionary Readings for any day in any year between 2001 and 2021.
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Emmaus Road: Monday September 25, 7:00 p.m.
Emmaus Road continues reading and discussing the book The Road to Character by David Brooks. In our first meeting we discussed the Introduction and Chapter 1 which laid out the basic premise of the book which is the shift from an “other centered” set of values to our current culture’s focus on what Brooks calls, “The Big Me.”
Last week we read the chapter on Francis Perkins discussing her cultural background, upbringing, and the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire that set the course for her life and work. We explored what we found admirable, the pluses and minuses of one’s commitments, and the theme of the chapter being “summoned,” that is not what I want from life, but what is life asking of me.
It was a good conversation. This Monday we discuss the next chapter which deals with Dwight Eisenhower.
The book is widely available. We invite anyone interested, whether you’ve been to Emmaus Road or not, to join us in reading and discussing a very timely book.
What are we doing on Sunday Morning: Exploring the Liturgy
Two Sundays ago at Tales of Anglicanism, Fr. Bob commented on how the Sunday Liturgy is so densely packed and goes by so fast, that we might, in fact we do, miss all the richness that presents itself. Fr. Bob would like to offer a class to enable us to slow down and explore the Liturgy at a relaxed pace so to understand it more deeply and to enrich our experience of participating in it. Depending on people’s interest and availability the class will be either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings in the Parish Hall Living Room and we’ll keep it to an hour.
The Sign Up Sheet will be on the table outside Church.
Fr. Bob will get this organized for October.
Annual Parish Retreat: We’re not able to do it this year.
There are not enough people to attend the Annual Parish Retreat this year in order for us to hold it so we’ve had to cancel it. People’s lives have been really stressed by all sorts of things leads to the Chinese Curse of “Living in Interesting Times” such sudden changes in family events, illness, activities, etc.
At the Level 1 Training this past Saturday, Catechist Georgie McAdams made a comment that captures all this. She was talking about the children in her atrium and how sometimes they are not able to be present each Sunday. She used this phrase: On this particular Sunday, People’s work for God may have to be carried on apart from this place. As Christians our work for God is carried out through all the different aspects of our lives, and so we can’t participate in a good and valuable activity at a particular time. So we’re sorry it’s turned out this way, but the future is always open.