The Great American Eclipse
Fr. Bob traveled to Oregon to see the Eclipse. He stayed with a seminary classmate who now lives in Salem Oregon.
Fr. Bob at the Eclipse
Coffee Hour
The Sign-up sheet for Coffee Hour for September and October will be on the table outside Church this Sunday. Please sign up and help us create a nice atmosphere of fellowship after the Sunday Liturgies.
Emmaus Road: Monday August 28, 7:00 p.m. No Meeting Monday.
Emmaus Road will meet this coming Monday August 28 to debrief the film we saw two weeks ago: People Like Us. which was a documentary on the nature of social class in American society, something we Americans think we have, but in fact really do. We will also begin to discuss what we’ll do next either some more films or begin a new book.
Parents and Children’s BBQ: Sunday, September 10, 4:30 p.m.
We were sorry not to do our traditional beginning of summer barbecue for all of you last June due to Tracy's surgery. We missed doing it, and Tracy told me you missed having it. Tracy is recovering well and is back to work. So we will do the Parent and Children BBQ on Sunday September 10 4:30 p.m. at the Rectory. We'll do our standard fare and have all of you help by bringing things to fill out the meal. I'll give more info as we get closer.
Summer Sunday School: Summer Sunday School continues through the month of August. Gillian Cox will lead a Sunday School class for children in Church during those Sundays. It will include Bible stories and craft activities.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will resume on Sunday September 10.
Level 4
Life after Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Fr. Bob’s discussion with High School Students between the services also resumes on Sunday September 10
Santa Maria Barbecue :
Saturday ! September 30 4:30 p.m.
Parish Hall Lawn.
Coming up Saturday, September 30 is our annual Santa Maria BBQ, for over a decade now one of our most popular and best-attended parish events. On the Parish Hall lawn we grill tri-tip and chicken over red oak fires using a time-honored Santa Maria recipe, and add a simple salad, barbecue beans and grilled French bread. You bring drinks and desserts and your family and friends and it all adds up to an all-you-can-eat feast of great food and great fellowship.
Still Looking For Help:
People to Bring Drinks, Appetizers, and Desserts!
None of this happens without the many helping hands each year who do everything from purchasing to grilling, setup to cleanup. No experience necessary! If you'd like to be part of this year's happy crew, say so on the sign-up sheet after church, or contact coordinator Chris Askew directly at
626 200-5209 or,
What we need
Sign ups
Beer Wine:
Set Up
Prepare Food Really Need help!
Clean Up Really, Really, Really need help!
Annual Parish Retreat: Friday, Saturday, Sunday morning, October 13, 14, & 15. Camp 1000 Pines in Crestline.
Mark the date on your calendar. We've got a good set of speakers, Rick Fraser and Charity Perry, both who attend the Emmaus Road Group. Rick is a Ph.d psychologist and Charity is a Ph.d sociologist at Cal State LA. Both have extensive experience in family matters. We haven't settled on a topic yet, but it will be good I assure you.
So put it on your calendar now. Don't worry, there is no eclipse that weekend, so there should be no scheduling conflict.